Friday, August 13, 2010

Sean Daniel's First 2 Weeks

Well it has been an interesting month in the Johnson house. It all started with our first trip to L&D on Tuesday July 19th due to some severe cramping. Then when I went for my next OB appointment on July 21st my BP was up even more than it had been in previous weeks accompanied by an increase in the amount of protein in my urine. So Dr Reidy sent me for some blood work and a 24 hour urine collection to see if it was preeclampsia. Well it turned out that the amount of protein in my urine was only about 20 points below the criteria for preeclampsia, and my blood work looked OK. But starting on Sunday July 25th I was having more cramping, swelling, and it had even become hard to breath. I tried taking a breathing treatment and that did not do anything. So first thing Monday morning I called the doctor because it was even harder for me to breath and the swelling had gotten worse over night. They wanted me to come in to the office, but by the time I got there my doctor was called away for an emergency surgery so I was sent yet again to L&D. By this time Mimi and Poppa were on their way just in case. I was just down right miserable and ready for everything to be over!!!! My BP finally stabilized some what so and I was not really having any contractions and the baby looked good so I was sent home on bed rest until my next OB appointment on Wednesday July 28th. When Mimi, Becca and I got to the doctors office that morning Dr Reidy came into the room and first thing told us that she had some good news...we were going to be having a baby first thing in the morning!!!! I was soooooooooo grateful. After leaving the doctor's office Mimi, Becca and I spent the rest of the afternoon trying to finish up any last minute things, as well as getting pre-registered and blood work done. Poppa managed to make it in that evening and Grammy and Grandaddy made plans to be there by lunch time after Sean was born. I don't think any of us really slept well that night. I know I woke up about every hour until a little after 3 and decided that there was no since in trying to go back to sleep just in time for the alarm to go off. So I got up and took a long shower and got ready for the big day!!! We made it to the hospital a little before 5 and they had us in the OR about 6:40. The only problems we had during the surgery was some initial trouble with the placement of my spinal. After everything was ready to go Sean Daniel made his first appearance at 7:14 on Thursday July 29, 2010. He was even crying before he was completely out. I could tell behind JD's mask he was grinning from ear to ear and I just started crying I was so happy!!!! During recovery I found out that there had been so many babies born that week that they had to open up the overflow mother/baby wing and there was not even a room for us. So they took me back to triage until about 11:30. We finally got them to bring Sean to be about 10 am when we found out that it was going to take even longer for them to get the room ready for us. When we got into the room we found out that it was the very last room available. Grammy and Grandaddy made it there just as they were taking us to the room. Everything went very well over the next few days. Then on Saturday morning Dr. Reidy found out that they had discharged so many that they were going to shut down the wing we were on so she suggested that if we wanted to since all was going well we could just get ready and go home so we wouldn't have to pack up and move to a different room, and then pack up for discharge the next day. So that's what we did!!! Our first 2 weeks has been great. Sean is doing very well and getting back closer to his birth weight and the jaundice is slowly going away, and I'm not hurting much anymore. I even managed to go to Baby's R Us to pick up a few things, then met JD for lunch, and then went to Sean's 2 week check up yesterday all by myself. Needless to say we are staying in today because Mommy is TIRED!!! Becca is doing great with him. She has to show everyone her little brother, and loves to "Help" with him in any way we let her. She has not been acting out toward him, but just not wanting to listen/obey us as much. I think things are starting to get a little better, we just have to make sure that we each give her a little more one on one time right now. Other than that we are ALL doing well with this adjustment. Below you will find a slide show of about 40 something pictures of Sean's first 2 weeks (they are in no particular order). Enjoy!!!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Happy Birthday Sean Daniel Johnson

Sean Daniel Johnson was born at 7:14 am on Thursday July 29th. He weighed 8 lbs and 4 oz. He was 20 inches long. He has dark brown/black hair, and VERY dark blue eyes. He has 10 fingers, and 10 toes, and everything else that makes him a perfect baby!!!! We all love him VERY VERY much!!!! He looks a lot like Becca did when she was a baby. We will be here at the hospital until some time on Sunday! Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers!

In the nursery while Mommy was still in recovery. Only a few min old!!!

Getting ready for Mommy to hold me!!!

Mommy is finally out of recovery and able to hold me. Mommy and Daddy love me VERY much!!

Big sister Becca was so happy to see baby Sean and hold and kiss him!!!! If she doesn't see him anywhere she asks who ever she can find where her Baby Sean is!!!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Sean's Room

We did not do much to the nursery since Becca was in it. I did decide to get a new bedding set and change up the decorations that were on the shelves. We really like it and are now just awaiting the "Big Day". Which if I make it to the scheduled day Sean will be born sometime before 8am on Wednesday August 4th. We have just about gotten everything ready for his arrival. We do still need to figure out what we want his middle name to be. We both really like the name Sean and I REALLY liked it when we found out that it is Irish for John. So we will kind of have a JR, but they will not have the same middle name (a little too confusing we think since the names would sound too much alike). Becca is getting excited, but I don't think she fully understands (or wants to accept) that he will be living in our house and that her Mommy and Daddy will be his Mommy and Daddy too. We'll just have to see how she does once he's here. Luckily she already likes to "Help".

Baby Shower

Our friends from church gave us a baby shower a few weeks ago and here are the pictures from it. Thank you to everyone!!!!


One day we decided to go pick up Daddy from work and go over to the park down town and have a picnic. While we were there we also tried to feed the ducks, but they were not too interested in the bread. However the fish were.

Camping with Daddy

Becca and Daddy went "camping" one Friday night in about a month ago. She had SOOOOO much fun. She was asking to go to bed as soon as we put the tent up (in our office) at about 6pm. So they played in and around the tent until dinner and up until bed time. I moved her sound machine close to the tent for them to listen to the crickets. They also had fun playing with the flashlights. Surprisingly she did very well and slept all night in the tent. But then the next day when we took the tent down she was very upset with us. I think she and Daddy will have to do that again, maybe when it cools down they may try camping in the backyard.

Easter 2009

Again these pictures are not in order, sorry. But here are the pictures we took Easter morning and then after church when we let her hunt Easter eggs. She had so much fun!!!!

March 2009

In March I had to get my live continuing education so that I can renew my license later this year so I went to Memphis for the week and Mimi and Poppa took care of Becca while I set for 15 hours of CE. That same week my grandfather turned 90 so we all came to Memphis to celebrate with him (as we were unsure how much longer he would be with us). It is too hard to look at the pictures from that party as that was the last time I saw my Pawpaw alive so there are no pictures of that here. Sorry in advanced for the pics not being in order this is my first time using photobucket so I'm still learning. There are a few pictures of Becca with Poppa's "Big Green Tractor", a picture of Becca up (way past her bedtime) waiting on Daddy to get to Mimi and Poppa's house, and Becca playing on the playground after church Sunday evening before we headed back home. Enjoy!!!

Church Pictures

In February we started working on a new church pictorial directory. Here are a few samples of the pictures that were taken.

Potty Training

With the coming of Baby Sean and Becca being ready and willing at least most of the time to go on the "potty" we decided to attempt potty training. I was told about the "3-Day" method by a friend and decided to give it a try. So the second week in February we started working on it. She did great!!! To reward her for doing so well we decided on Saturday (day4) that we would take her to Atlanta Bread Company to get breakfast and then to the book store to pick out a new book. She did GREAT the whole time we were out and didn't even have an accident! She's getting to be such a BIG GIRL!!